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Photo Gallery of Hotel Casa Antigua

Conveniently located in the beautiful city of Antigua, Hotel Panchoy welcomes you to the heart of Guatemala.  We are only 4 blocks away from the central park of Antigua Guatemala and only 5 blocks from Cerro de la Cruz (a hill with one of the best views of the colonial city & a good day activity around town).  In the midst of relaxing hang-outs such as spas, restaurants, cafes and shops, it is convenient to stay with us for your most enjoyable vacation.  We offer you a cozy ambiance where you will feel as if you were home.

Let our friendly staff point you in the right direction by suggesting anything from nearby stores to those great little restaurants that are tucked away.  From lazy days spent in our rooftop terrace to adventures abroad among the many museums, historical sites, famous landmarks, and cultural wonders, we have everything you need to make a great vacation.  We can help you with your shuttle reservations, tours, local foody sites and much more.  Hotel Panchoy will be waiting to greet you here in Antigua Guatemala.

Please enjoy the photo gallery of Hotel Panchoy:





*Private airport pickup is $37 (1-3 people) and $8 per extra person.
If you wish to book, please email us at hotelpanchoy@hotmail.com with your arrival time, flight number, airline name & from what city you are arriving.

Cancellation policy: A reservation should be canceled 72 hours (3 days) in advance before the check-in time. Otherwise, for any late cancellations or no-shows, you will be charged for the 1st night.

The hotel accepts US dollars, Quetzales, Travelers checks & credit cards.If paying with credit card, there is a surcharge. The online booking service has a 3rd party commission built into the price.
